Florida Funeral & Cemetery Consumer Advocacy
What is Florida Funeral and Cemetery Consumer Advocacy?

FFCCA is a corporation not-for-profit under the Florida Statutes. Our Articles of Incorporation are on file in the Division of Corporations of the Florida Department of State. Copies are available upon request. The purposes for which FFCCA is created and maintained are exclusively for the promotion of the public welfare. Our Board of Directors permits only activities in conformity with tax-exemption under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended. No officer of the corporation is compensated for work on behalf of FFCCA, and no part of the net earnings of the corporation may inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to members, officers (including Directors), or other private persons.

FFCCA engages in the following activities:

* We educate and inform the public about issues related to consumer interests in the marketplace for funeral and cemetery services and merchandise;

* We inform the Florida Legislature of the impact of proposed legislative and regulatory activity related to providing funeral and cemetery services to the public;

* We advocate before the Legislature and regulatory boards on behalf of the public with respect to laws and regulations related to funeral and cemetery services and merchandise;

* We monitor and inform the public about legislative and regulatory activity related to funeral and cemetery services and merchandise;

* We offer our services as a core organization to bring together representatives of various organizations on behalf of the public interest concerning issues related to funeral and cemetery services and merchandise;

* We conduct fundraising activities for the production of revenues adequate to carry out the purposes of this organization.

We invite you to support this worthwhile effort. If you wish to contribute to our work with your time and effort, or if you are willing to make a financial contribution, or if you would like to be included in our information network, please let us know.

Charles W. Swain, President
Florida Funeral and Cemetery Consumer Advocacy

Contact Us

Please send all written correspondece to:

Florida Funeral and Cemetery Consumer Advocacy
1006 Buena Vista Drive
Tallahassee, FL

(850) 224-2082 FAX: (850) 224-5692

or email:

Charles W. ("Bill") Swain
President, FFCCA
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